
ICABR 2016 Workshop Proceedings: Financing Innovation for Agriculture, Food, and the Bioeconomy: Business as Usual?

ICABR 2016 pre-conference workshop by Julian Alston, Davide Gaeta, and Sara Savastano, was held on June 26, 2016 in Oscar Niemeyer Auditorium, Via della Repubblica, Ravello (Amalfi Coast, Italy)

This workshop was undertaken to explore new models for public-private partnerships to support innovation for agriculture, food, and the broader bioeconomy, in view of the shifting global balance of research investments, slowing agricultural productivity growth in many countries, and emerging evidence that the approaches of the past will not be sufficient. The concept was to engage perspectives of participants from academia, government, and industry, from around the world to develop ideas for practical possibilities for governments to implement new policies in time to take useful effect before the middle of the 21st century, by which time the world may have more than nine billion mouths to feed.


Workshop proceedings available here


See pictures from the workshop and the rest of the conference here